Abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure in which excess fat and skin tissues are removed from the abdomen and waist regions, and the abdomen is reshaped. With this surgery, excess tissue in the middle and lower parts of the abdomen is removed, while sagging and looseness in the abdominal muscles and anterior abdominal wall are removed.
There are many forms of abdominoplasty. The most common procedure; It is a type of operation in which the scars of the surgery remain under the bikini and a new belly button is created. This surgery is especially recommended for postpartum abdominal cracks (striae), looseness and excess that cannot be given by exercise. Since wound healing is slower in smokers, it is recommended to quit smoking completely for at least two weeks before and after surgery.
Before the operation, necessary markings and drawings are made and photographs are taken. The areas to be thinned with liposuction are determined. The surgery is performed with general anesthesia. It takes about 2 hours. We have a guest in the hospital one night and are discharged the next day. Immediately after the operation, a corset is worn that covers the abdomen and back. This corset will reduce the load on the seam area for three weeks. There is no problem of getting stitches. Changes are monitored with weekly controls.